Photography Tips and Tricks


What’s in a Frame?

Training your eye to ‘see’ like a camera

One of the first lessons I teach beginning photographers is to train your eye to see everything in a frame. Take a moment before snapping the shutter to look around the entire viewfinder and really notice everything in it. 

Imagine the scene flattened into a two-dimensional space.

What is behind or next to your subject?

How does it change when you make small adjustments like moving closer or farther away, or changing your angle from high-to-low?

Try adjusting your height, and play with how YOUR movements affect the subject. See how cropping at different points changes the mood of the image.

A helpful tool would be to use a small, makeshift, square or rectangular cardboard frame. (I used to hand out 35mm slide frames like the one I’m holding in the photo above, but I’m not sure if you can buy those anymore!)

Go out and SEE what’s in your frame!